Embrace Yourself Books 1 Aug Written By Megan Crabbe Find Your Copy Why would the world teach women that shrinking their bodies should be their ultimate goal in life, when we’re capable of so much more? Why do people believe in the power of diets to bring them happiness, when time and time again all we’re left with is hunger and obsession? Why do we turn food into an enemy to be feared, and our bodies into battlegrounds to be conquered? Why can’t we see that we’ve been lied to from the start? The problem isn’t food or our bodies. The problem is how we’ve been taught to see them. The biggest industries in the world make billions from teaching us to see parts of our bodies as flawed, and selling us the solution. Our belief that our bodies are wrong is rooted in the fact that, a hundred years ago, advertisers realised that turning female bodies into problems to be fixed could make them rich. Embrace Yourself by Taryn BrumfittMegan Jayne CrabbeBodyposipandaBody Positive WriterFeminist Writer Megan Crabbe
Embrace Yourself Books 1 Aug Written By Megan Crabbe Find Your Copy Why would the world teach women that shrinking their bodies should be their ultimate goal in life, when we’re capable of so much more? Why do people believe in the power of diets to bring them happiness, when time and time again all we’re left with is hunger and obsession? Why do we turn food into an enemy to be feared, and our bodies into battlegrounds to be conquered? Why can’t we see that we’ve been lied to from the start? The problem isn’t food or our bodies. The problem is how we’ve been taught to see them. The biggest industries in the world make billions from teaching us to see parts of our bodies as flawed, and selling us the solution. Our belief that our bodies are wrong is rooted in the fact that, a hundred years ago, advertisers realised that turning female bodies into problems to be fixed could make them rich. Embrace Yourself by Taryn BrumfittMegan Jayne CrabbeBodyposipandaBody Positive WriterFeminist Writer Megan Crabbe